Eugene Zinchenko‘s photographs fascinates a large audience in the Ukrainian capital with his elegant and captivating photos, his photos are the embodiment of life – itis life in fashion – a combination of art and harmony in the surrounding world.

The extravagant staging and its controversial scenes of bold lighting characterize his unmistakable style. Eugene Zinchenko became famous for his surprising lighting compositions employed with his models in the street or interior environments; he is a backstage specialist in fashion events and shooting pictures of famous people.
He has already collaborated with the best stylists and designers in Kiev and Milan.

The photos of the artist represent the different genres of fashion, art and nudes. The authoris known for his subtleability to transfer the contents of the plot to the emotions and feelings of the models.

He is an explorer–photographer and as he himself says, “I photographe fashion and people, love and passion, events, interiors and everythingaroundthesethemes.”
Eugene Zinchenko’s portraits have been widely exhibited with the title “Exhibition №.1″ in the Ornament Art Space. There, he presents his photographic gems, which fully reflect his vast creativity.
[everest_gallery alias=”Zinchenko “]
Contact and his works:
IG @foto.zzi