SOULMATES : Who inspires you to complet yourself?

Under the motto “awakening, renewal, change” I welcome you to a new photo shooting idea. This representation of images is directed to a diversity of behaviors that arouse the attention of the couple.
As we all know sculpture existed in the Greek era but romanticism was accentuated in the nineteenth century, it was a unique style characterized by emotions in the works, as well as by the individual ideals of the characters.
The images seek to recreate the art that occurs in the contact of the couple, without considering exactly love even if the poet latino Virgil said, “Love is everything”, the photos refer to both the human world and the natural world.
All conditions are present in the images starting with complicity, physical contact, and emotional states such as seduction and tenderness, love doesn’t need to be present. This reminds me of a quote from the French mathematical philosopher B. Pascal: “the heart has its reasons that reason does not know”.
The photo-shooting production was made by the artistic director and fashion specialist Mishelle Sandhaus, who is the main character of this story, together with Christiam Wengle male model.
She had a great team of professionals who were able to carry out this great editorial under the lens of professional photographer Kike Sanchez, fashion designer Oscar Chunga (OCHO), makeup and hairstyle expert Toshi Uehara and art and scene director Fernando Urcia.
Mishelle says: This theme involved the realization of different scenes and processes to carry out each shot, the team did their respective planning and boarding based on the story, location, approaches, and wardrobe.
It was necessary to take shots of what was happening in the couple to highlight the chemistry and the natural connection between the two protagonists.
In the first scene, the main characters wake up together enjoying their love affair and the flirtatious spark of their first encounter.
In the second scene, (Mishelle in black lace lingerie), Christiam is wrapped in desire and seduction.
In the third scene, as in Hollywood movies, the yacht is a place of fantasy for the couple, Mishelle wears a big fuchsia dress made by the designer Oscar Chunga.
As in the last scene, where a beautiful big orange dress is shown, giving a twist of acceptance to what was being lived at that moment between the couple.

“I am grateful to all group team for their predisposition to define and complete each scene”.
Each session was previously planned and analysed in a document called briefing, which summarizes everything we wanted to do, the techniques to be used, the elements, the spaces, the models and of course allowed us to communicate to the whole team involved what will be done.
Digital News Fashion asked Mishelle a few questions:

Is this your first time doing an editorial based on your own experience?
Answer: Yes, I saw so much connection between Chris and me, that I decided to capture it in images and leave it in the memory, I had to take advantage of such a connection and well, that serves a lot to make wonderful photos.
Didn’t you feel it might be counterproductive to make this story real?
Answer: Maybe yes, in terms of the feelings involved, but looking at it from the professional side, it turned out very well (laughs).
What anecdotes or technical issues could you tell us about the editorial?
Answer: Well, the first thing is that the editorial was a lot of fun because we dedicated ourselves to enjoy and make art at the same time, there was a moment when it was an internal struggle with my own fears, when doing a scene in which I was outside the yacht, I have a lot of respect for the sea and I was very afraid of falling, everyone saw the panic I had, but they were very empathetic with me.
Any scoop or unpublished secret you can tell us?
Answer: (laughs) Yes! The designer, stylist, art director and photographer were also a little afraid of falling! Hahaha and another secret was that that day I decided to reconcile with Chris, the other protagonist of the story, that helped the photos come out well, with that chemistry that characterized us hahaha.
Do you plan to do more editorials, as you do, with a specific concept?
Answer: Of course, I like quality in everything, including the quality of the story to be told. This time they will be about other topics, no more romanticism until good weather haha, more fashion and social impact stories are coming.

Team of The Love In a Yacht
Producer & model: Mishelle Sandhaus Araoz
IG: @mishellesandhaus
Photography: Kike Sánchez
IG: @kikesanchez_photography
Designer: Oscar Chunga (OCHO)
IG: @ocho.official
Model: Christiam Wengle
IG: @chris.wengle
Director de Arte y Escena: Fernando Urcia
IG: @fer_urcia
Make up, hair y styling: Toshi Uehara
IG: @toshimakeup
Location: Lima, Perú
“Viejo roble yacht”
IG: @viejorobleyacht